
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Inspired Songwriting: MAKE IT COUNTWhat is your gift?What do you do wit...

Inspired Songwriting: MAKE IT COUNT
What is your gift?What do you do wit...
: MAKE IT COUNT What is your gift? What do you do with your gift? Does  it help to build others up? Is it possible to inspire, enco...

Make It Count


What is your gift?
What do you do with your gift?
Does  it help to build others up?
Is it possible to inspire, encourage, 
or direct someone else?

Some inspire with their gifts of speech,
some with their talents.
But, there are some who inspire be being
open and hospitable.

During a recent time of disaster, my family
found ourselves evacuated from our home
with only  our bare necessities, but the
outpouring of love from family and friends
showed gifts more precious than those 
more obvious ones( talents, etc.)

So, just because you think, "I don't have
and gifts.", please don't neglect those of
love, support, encouragement, because
sometimes these are the greater gifts.

Be  inspired.

Thursday, January 15, 2015