

A little about me.

I was born on Dec. 12.

I grew up on the farms my father work for with my

sister and three brothers.

We attended church as a family every week. My parents were

both active in the church all their lives.

As I grew, I expressed my own faith at the age of 7. I attended

summer camp, started helping teacher younger kids, was on choirs,

This is when I developed my love for singing and songs.

In my teens I would spend hours walking the private roads of the farm

my dad worked communing with God. It was in these times I first

developed a love for “writing music”. In these times, I would start by

talking and singing, hymns and choruses, to God.. As I would walk

and sing familiar songs, would often add verses, change words, or

even alter the melodies of these songs.

As I aged, life developed differently then I had planned.

I, as many others, made some poor choices and did not follow my

love of music. I did continue to be on choirs, in groups and sing solos

at the churches I attended.

A few years back, my wife bought me my first guitar and

encouraged me to take some lessons.

Although my guitar talent is very basic, it awakened my love for

making music. So now I am a songwriter and loving it.

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