
Friday, February 1, 2013

What is Inspired Songwriting?

What is Inspired Songwriting

What is Inspired Songwriting about?

Why another blog about songwriting?

What I would like to see in this blog is a forum for

songwriters and listeners to share what inspires them,

in music and in life. I hope that we can share with

each other and thereby inspire each other to a fuller

richer life experience.

I will be sharing what inspires or has inspired songs

I have written, or am writing. I will also share about

people, songs,events that have inspired me. Hopefully,

you will feel free to share what inspires your life.

I wrote a song “A Father's Heart”(click to view)
 out of the realization that my son had grown to adulthood
 and the opportunities to teach him some wisdom, I felt he
needed, for life had slipped by, possibly forever. I believe it is
 the cry of every loving father to impart to his children the

wisdom they need to avoid some of life's heartaches and


The song was the cry of my heart for these lost opportunities

and the hope of future rectification.

Now, what are somethings that inspire you and what

do/did they inspire?